Mammograms are screening tests sometimes used to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. These are basic screening tests because early diagnosis leads to better results. Similarly, a 3D mammogram is a low-dose X-ray used to take pictures of the inside of the breast. Just like a regular mammogram, it can also be used to detect breast cancer. Both procedures feel relatively similar. One of the known clinics, ImageCare, provides reliable facilities for the 3D mammogram in Hackettstown, NJ.
However, one difference is that more images are captured with the 3D mammogram than with the standard one. It takes multiple, thin X-rays from different positions so that when all the image portions are observed together, a 3D image is created.
Risks involved in 3D mammograms:
- Risk of False-positive tests
- It may cause pain or uneasiness.
- It may cause Radiation-induced cancer. Though it is extremely rare.
3D Mammogram has the following advantages:
- It involves low-dose radiation.
- It takes a few seconds for the procedure to be completed.
- It has low false-positive rates.
Preparation Required:
The following points should be considered while preparing for a 3D mammogram:
- Pick a facility that offers 3D mammogram facilities.
- Consider Checking up with your insurance provider, as only some insurance covers3D mammograms.
- The test should be scheduled when your breasts are most likely to be the least tender.
- Consider bringing your previous mammogram images, if any.
- Avoid the use of deodorant before the test.
Mammography is a crucial way to understand several breast health issues, even those not caused by cancer. While specific topics do not cause many problems, it is vital to have a diagnosis from a doctor who can analyze the areas where they are located (if any). This procedure helps the doctor understand the condition and prevent further complications. It also rules out other concerning conditions that might require additional treatment.
3D mammogram procedure is considered safe, as it exposes the patient to a low dose of radiation, much lower than the tolerable limits fixed by the FDA.